Project Valuable


"Valuable", an exhibition about the valuable things in life

In cooperation with the children of the Artstetten-Pöbring elementary school, Artstetten Castle, the Artstetten Village Renewal Association,
the filmmaker Alex Dolphin and the artist and initiator Stephanie Balih

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What is valuable to us? What is of real personal value to us?

Is it material objects like a mobile phone or the PC or is it relationships, people or animals? Or objects that remind us of very special experiences, such as a particularly shaped stone from vacation?

Under the direction of Director Steinwendtner and Prof Leonhartsberger, 22 children from the Artstetten-Pöbring elementary school dealt with their valuable objects and wrote texts about them. In front of the camera of the well-known film company STUDIO DOLPHIN, the children were allowed to tell what makes their object so valuable. Following this, the children, guided by the artist and initiator of the project Stephanie Balih, painted their most valuable things on canvas.
All of these valuable objects (texts, paintings and film) can be admired and appreciated in the course of the Lower Austrian State Exhibition 2017 at Artstetten Castle in the special exhibition from April to November.

Opening on April 30, 2017

as part of the opening of the Lower Austria State Exhibition:
at 10:00 a.m., Artstetten Castle, A- 3661 Artstetten
Free entry to the exhibition
on April 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m

Place of issue:
Artstetten Castle, Schlossplatz 1, A- 3661- Artstetten,
Phone: +43 (0) 7413 / 80 06

Duration of exhibition:       
April 01, 2017 to November 01, 2017

Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 17:30

Financed by the culture connected program



Winner of the Lower Austria Village and Urban Renewal Award in the category

"Young Village Renewal"

Melker NÖN issue 05/2017 on January 31, 2017