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10 Jahre Diplomabschluss an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien!

Abschluss mit Auszeichnung

Mir wurde das erst bewusst, als ich heute mit einer lieben Freundin telefoniert habe.
Vor 10 Jahren habe ich mit Auszeichnung mein Diplom gemacht.Wow! Wie die Zeit vergeht!
In sehr exklusiven Rahmen, in den ehrenwerten Räumen der Akademie in Wien am Schiller Platz.
Damals habe ich mich schon mit Spiritualität und Selbstbestimmung als Frau befasst. Deshalb habe ich den Titel für die 7-teilige Gemäldeserie "Dimensionen 437"-genannt.
In der malerischen Arbeit zeige ich 2 Frauen mit langen schwarzen Haaren, die auf ihre Intuition hören. Die eine Frau steht für die Leichtigkeit, die andere für die geerdete Indianer Frau.
Den Titel "Dimensionen 437" hatte ich geträumt. Meinen Träumen gebe ich seitdem immer starke Beachtung.
Ich habe über 5 Jahre in der Meisterklasse von Gunter Damisch studiert.
Mit viel Engagement und auch einigen Hürden.
Die Klassenplätze sind sehr umkämpft, der Rahmen exklusiv und als feinfühlige spirituelle weibliche Künstlerin herausfordernd! Darüber mehr in der nächsten Zeit.

Die Auszeit auf Bali

Ich wollte noch mal in mich gehen und spüren, welchen Weg ich weiter gehen möchte. Ein eigenes Retreat. Viel Yoga, meine Gitarre und meine Farben waren auch dabei! Du kannst Dir vorstellen wie mein Gepäck ausgesehen hat!

Hingeflogen bin ich als Malerin und zurückgeflogen bin ich als Malerin und Singer-Songwriterin.
Ja, ich habe dort wieder begonnen Songs zu schreiben und bin auch mehrmals mit Band dort aufgetreten.

Mein Herzensbusiness: Das Malen

Doch zurück zum Jubiläum.

Für mich war dieser Abschluss sehr wichtig. Es war mein drittes abgeschlossenes Studium. Mein Herzensstudium.
Das Gremium war sehr kritisch, alle in schwarz angezogen. Und ich glaube sie haben meine Botschaft nicht wirklich verstanden.
Heute 10 Jahre danach bin ich mega stolz auf mich, dass ich diese wunderbare malerische Arbeit realisiert habe.
Wenn Dir die Finissage ansehen möchtest und die Arbeiten im Film inszeniert mit magischer Musik sehen möchtest, dann rate ich Dir das Video hier unter dem Text, anzusehen.

Was gibt es bei Dir aktuell zu feiern?

Mit Jubiläumsgrüßen! Hoch die Gläser!

Stephanie Balih

Wenn Du die Räumlichkeiten hast, die 7-teilige Gemäldeserie ist noch verfügbar. Ich möchte, dass sie zusammen bleibt und die Räume mit ihrer fantastischen Energie bereichert.

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In einer Woche ZWEI Gemälde verkauft !! Eines für € 3.120,- und eines für € 5,- :-)

In einer Woche ZWEI Bilder verkauft!!
Eines um € und eines um € 5,-

Wie ist das möglich?

Ich erzähle Dir jetzt eine besondere Geschichte:
Vorab: aktuell habe ich letzte Woche bei der Frühjahrsaktion ein interaktives Gemälde von mir die „Die Hampelschere“ versteigern lassen. Sie ging für 3.120,00 € an einen gut informierten Sammler. Yes!!

Am Sonntag passierte mir dann folgendes:
Meine Mutter rief mich begeistert an, einer meiner Kunden hätte bei ihr angerufen. Er hätte gerade ein Bild von mir gekauft.
Wo? Und zwar am Flohmarkt. Er würde sogar in der selben Stadt von mir wohnen. Sie habe ihm meine Adresse genannt und wer würde gleich vorbei schauen.

Allmählich dämmerte es mir...

Allmählich dämmerte es mir. Ich hatte dieses Jahr vieles aufgrund des Mega Umzugs (ich berichtete in diesem Newsletter) aussortiert. Dabei waren auch drei meiner Gemälde, die ich herschenken wollte. I
ch hatte alle Dinge Lionsclub Wieselburg Flohmarkt gegeben. Mit dem Erlös unterstützen sie Menschen in Not. Eine feine Sache!
Ich öffnete mit nassen Haaren und völlig ungestylt. Sehr untypisch für mich. Doch ich wagte mich vor.
Ein älterer Herr stand vor mir. Ganz aufgeregt. "Ich habe ein Bild von Ihnen gekauft. Ich bin Sammler. Kunstsammler. Irgend ein Idiot hat dieses wundervolle Gemälde zum Flohmarkt gegeben!"
Ich grinste: "Der Idiot. Das bin ich." 
"Für wieviel haben sie es bekommen?"
"Das darf ich gar nicht sagen.


Es waren 5 Euro...

Es waren 5 €. "
Ich freute mich für ihn: Gratulation! Sie haben den Coup des Jahres gelandet! Vor genau 4 Tagen wurde am Dorotheum Wien ein Gemälde von mir für 3.120€ versteigert. 

 Der Herr freute sich riesig!
Nächste Woche möchte er mir seine Sammlung zeigen. Es sind Gemälde aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Wertvolle Stücke. Und auch mein Gemälde, in Gold gerahmt.

Ich freue mich RIESIG für beide Käufer.



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purification and transformation

Stephanie Balih

December, 2020

Original painting: transformation
Acrylic on canvas, 170 x 150cm

JNOW available as a print on canvas!

Hello, my dears!

The special time from the
December 21st to January 6th

December 21st is the winter solstice, at this point day and night are of equal length. And with that, the 12 rough nights begin.
6 nights of the old year and 6 nights of the new year.

Now is the time to let go of the old and make room for the new. Another subtle tool of purification is the old tradition of incense.

Letting go and cleansing my theme of the year:

In the last few months I have carried out an intensive purification of my life. I gave away, sold, gave away everything that no longer fits into my life or if it was no longer usable, I threw it away.
It was an exciting and also tiring time.
Only photos of events that remind me of good times were allowed to remain and objects that just no longer fit me were allowed to go. The aim of this long process was that in the end only what is beneficial and helpful to me and is good for me is left in my life.

Because whenever you pick up old things that you don't have a good memory of, then you remember that time and bring the event into the present and live through the old experience in the now. Yes, and you continue to manifest that feeling in your life.

Transformation, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 170 x 155 cm


Bit by bit I have searched all areas of the house, my digital files, thought patterns, what is allowed to go now.
I was almost addicted to finding something again to put in a box and give away. Sustainability was also important to me, I carefully passed on all things when they were still intact.
I have also heard from many people that they tidied up and cleaned their homes extensively during the 1st lockdown.

It's important to me that I have what I want in my life and not what others expect of me, for example what an artist has at home, or what a young woman needs to know. During this process, I also went through the various stations of my life in fast forward and understood so much more about the world, society and myself. I'm so glad I'm where I am.
In these stormy times it is important to be at peace with yourself!

Christmas is coming and the new year is just around the corner. Now people are decorating their houses and getting ready for the festival on December 24th and also for the new year 2021. I love to see the different Christmas lights people put on. Everyone decorates their home according to their taste and style.

New beginning - the symbol of the butterfly

For the process of change and the transformation represents the butterfly.
I worked on the painting "Transformation" for over a year:
I started with a public painting and dance performance in autumn 2019 to the live compositions of my husband Alex Dolphin.
Over the course of the year I then applied several layers of paint with my new painting medium Heilwasser using the glaze technique and let the motif mature.
My constant intention at work was "healing on all levels" and as I always put it in my mind whenever I drink a glass of water: "Rescue and harmonious development for this world". A quote from the Russian healing theory.
Well I completed this wonderful magical creature in gold and phthalo blue in the lead up to Christmas this year.

The butterfly not only stands for transformation and new beginnings, it is the symbol for lightness, happiness and playfulness. All qualities that we so urgently need at this time!


I sincerely wish you a wonderful Christmas, a happy end to 2020 and a smooth start to the new year!

May you leave behind all old burdens that can weigh you down and start the new year full of new strength and energy!
With artistic, creatively lively greetings!

If you would like to integrate the butterfly into your life and fly into the new year with the fine light-filled vibrations, then you can bring this painting to your home.

A canvas print of this beautiful new design is available NOW in my online shop!

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As if they could step out of the picture









Stephanie Balih impresses with large-format portraits, she sings with Alex Dolphin in her band THE KNUTSHERS.

It is no coincidence that the beekeeper Roland Heinzle approached the artist couple to realize the bee pavilion in Klein Pöchlarn. Stephanie Balih and Alex Dolphin, who are newly married on a farm, are dedicated to the love of nature in many facets of life: She is a painter with her own studio in Artstetten, he is a filmmaker, among other things - and together they are the music formation THE KNUTSHERS. With their album "Beat of the Universe" and songs like "Peace on Earth" or "Vollmond" they don't want to "convert, but encourage conscious living", they say.

The album cover already tells of her philosophy of life: A girl in an imposing skirt is thoughtfully leaning on a planet. The picture bears the "signature" of Stephanie Balih, who impresses with large-format works. In doing so, she succeeds in capturing not only the people with brushes and colors, but also their movements and their emotions. "My specialty is portraits because I'm interested in faces and biographies," she says. This was also the basis of a remarkable cooperation with the Zwettl private brewery: parallel to the 2017 state exhibition in Pöggstall, it presented portraits of charismatic personalities from the Waldviertel with “Art on the Beer Mat”.

With chalk & guitar. Growing up in Bavaria, Stephanie Balih was drawn to Vienna when she was young; She studied graphics (Prof. Gunter Damisch) and artistic teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts, completing both studies with distinction. She already pursued her creative goals as a child: "My crayons were my sanctuary at the age of four," she reveals. "I also started making music at the same age." Her instruments became her voice, guitar and zither. In her major diploma exhibition in 2014, she combined her pictures with her own songs. The best feedback: "My professor, who was very sparing with compliments, said when we left: If you continue like this, everything will be fine, then you will be successful," says the artist.
In the same year, the duo was formed with her current husband. THE KNUTSHERS is a Denglish original creation, "the name says what's important to us: love and humor," explains Alex Dolphin. This combination is spot on, for example, on International Kissing Day on July 6th; That was also the case at the Hotel Schachner in Maria Taferl, where the couple enriched the specially created 5-course kiss menu with their music for the second time this year.

Mag. Viktória Kery-Erdélyi


Click here for the online article in the Niederösterreicherin:

Photos copyright 2018 Viktória Kery-Erdélyi

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Bee pavilion opened in Kleinpöchlarn!

Six months of work, 50 watercolors in DIN 1 format, a bee pavilion and 3 photo walls!

KLEIN-PÖCHLARN. After months of work, beekeepers and initiators Roland Heinzle, Tobias Hundertpfund, the artist Stephanie Balih - who created the 50 watercolors for the park - and the filmmaker Alex Dolphin were able to open the new bee pavilion in the bee park. In the entire area you can now find out about the busy bees and take souvenir photos on three funny photo walls.

Mother Earth with all her inhabitants is happy about this successful art and environmental protection project!


Press article :

The Big Buzz by Viktória Kery-Erdélyi​

Article in the Lower Austrian pages 42 and 43

Bee pavilion in Klein-Pöchlarn to raise awareness

Article by Daniel Butter in the district newspapers Melk, June 2018


Related Links:

Kleinpöchlarn Bee Park

Arcotel Bee Park


Photos copyright: Philip Baumgartner and the bottom photo by Daniel Butter


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Wall painting at the Waldgasthof Steinbründl

Forest green hens spotted in Maria Steinbründl!

Since April 2018, the picturesque cult forest inn Steinbründl has shone in a new guise. The rooms have been lovingly renovated. I too was able to make my contribution to the new contemporary face of this iconic inn: humorous murals on the theme of the inn: the tasty fried chicken, for which the guests travel from far away.






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Projekt "WERTVOLL"


„Wertvoll“, - eine Ausstellung
about the precious things in life

In cooperation with the children of the Artstetten-Pöbring elementary school, Artstetten Castle, the Artstetten Village Renewal Association,
filmmaker Alex Dolphin and
by the artist and initiator Stephanie Balih

im Rahmen der Eröffnung der NÖ Landesausstellung

Place of issue:
Artstetten Castle, Schlossplatz 1, A- 3661- Artstetten,
Phone: +43 (0) 7413 / 80 06

Duration of exhibition:       
April 01, 2017 to November 01, 2017

What is valuable to us? What is of real personal value to us?

Is it material objects like a mobile phone or the PC or is it relationships, people or animals? Or objects that remind us of very special experiences, such as a specially shaped stone
the vacation?

Under the direction of Director Steinwendtner and Prof Leonhartsberger, 22 children from the Artstetten-Pöbring elementary school dealt with their valuable objects and wrote texts about them. In front of the camera of the well-known film company STUDIO DOLPHIN, the children were allowed to tell what makes their object so valuable. Following this, the children, guided by the artist and initiator of the project Stephanie Balih, painted their most valuable things on canvas.
All of these valuable objects (texts, paintings and film) can be admired and appreciated in the course of the Lower Austrian State Exhibition 2017 at Artstetten Castle in the special exhibition from April to November.



Financed by the culture connected program


Winner of the Lower Austria Village and Urban Renewal Award in the category

"Junge Dorferneuerung"


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Lower Austria Open Studio Days 2017

Those were the Lower Austria Open Studio Days 2017 at Atelier Balih!

Christina Martin, from the organic farm Stieger,, war zu Besuch mit ihren beiden Kindern, welche sich künstlerisch am Maltisch austobten. Sie ist eines der Modelle für die aktuelle "Kunst am Bierdeckel" Serie 2017 der Privatbrauerei Zwettl und der Künstlerin Stephanie Balih.
In addition, Johannes Ertl, the organic fruit farmer who not only makes juice, visiting with his family and took his original painting home with him.

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Art on the beer coaster edition 2017 presentation

The academic artist Stephanie Balih created eight motifs for the Zwettler private brewery

PÖGGSTALL/ZWETTL. "The greatest artists painted or sketched their best works of art on serviettes or even beer mats," emphasizes laudator Carl Aigner from the State Museum, emphasizing the importance of restaurant utensils for a special presentation at the Pöggstall state exhibition venue. This is exactly the line of thought that follows Zwettler private brewery for years and gives talented artists a platform in the form of beer coasters.

Balih the first non-cartoonist

For the 22nd edition of the "Art on Beer Mats" campaign, however, a different path was taken for the first time. Instead of caricatures, you will now find portraits of the next two years Artstetten painter Stephanie Balih. She portrayed eight personalities from the exhibition region. “It was six intensive months where I sometimes worked day and night. I also thank my models, who needed a lot of patience,” says Balih, laughing.

Extremely likeable personality

"We didn't just choose Stephanie because of the state show, but because she is an extremely likeable personality and her works of art are something special," explains Zwettler Bier Managing Director Karl Schwarz how the decision was made.

The portrayed themselves, the Artstettner was allowed to portray herself due to a refusal, are enthusiastic about the end product. “Unfortunately, as a beekeeper, you are not so much in the foreground. Thanks to Stephanie, that has changed,” emphasizes Pöggstall beekeeper Stefan Gerstbauer. "I just wanted to tell people's stories with the pictures and I succeeded," beams the painter. By the way: With her "The Knutshers" partner Alex Dolphin, she was allowed to "bless" the guests musically at the event.

Text and photos: Copyright Daniel Butter, district newspapers Melk

ORF article:

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In memoriam Gunter Damisch exhibition 2016/2017

in memory of Gunter Damisch
a group exhibition in the x-posit of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Diese Ausstellung ist meinem Lehrer Gunter Damisch gewidmet. Er ist nach meinem Diplom sehr jung verstorben.
Ihm zu Ehren, haben wir Absolventen seiner Klasse eine Ausstellung in den Räumen des X-posit in der Akademie der Bildenden Künste organisiert.

x-posit, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna,
Schiller Platz 3, 1010 Vienna

Duration of exhibition:
October 14, 2016 to May 22, 2017

Information on the academy's x-posit