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Portraits at the Marché des Créateurs

Marché des Creators

Design market with francophone creative people, artists and craftspeople from a wide variety of fields | 15.6.2014 | Institut francais Vienna

* from 11am to 6pm on June 15, 2014

*in the Palais Glam Calas, Institut francais, Währinger Straße 30, 1090 Vienna

"No nose is too steep, no hair too many
than that it doesn't want to be drawn on the sheet."

I will be unique at the Marché des Createurs,
create individual portraits and caricatures.

I look forward to your coming!



✪ Voulez-vous march[é] avec moi? ✪

The "Marché des creators | Design market with French flair" has set itself the goal of offering a showroom for francophone, professional or leisure artists/craftsmen/creatives.

Visitors can expect a large number of francophone creative people, artists and craftspeople from a wide variety of fields (fashion, jewellery, art, accessories, furniture, photography, graphics,...). In an exceptional setting, the Marché offers the special opportunity to get to know and love France from its creative and talented side.

Culinary delicacies "made in France" are of course not neglected...